

Lei Li is a Lecturer (equals to Assistant Professor) at the School of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton. She received her PhD degree from the School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2021 and obtained the SJTU 2021 Outstanding Doctoral Graduate Development Scholarship. During her PhD, she was a visiting PhD student at Fudan University and King’s College London, respectively. She received her bachelor’s degree in Department of Medical Information Engineering, Sichuan University, in 2016.

Her research interest is AI for healthcare, specifically focusing on medical image analysis, multi-modal AI, and cardiac digital twins. She has already published more than 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences, including MedIA, IEEE TMI, MICCAI and FIMH. Some of these works have been selected as the most popular cited paper in MedIA and TMI. She is a Board Member of SIG-Cardiac and Women in MICCAI (WiM), and Area Chair of MICCAI 2024. She has been selected as the Rising Star of Women in Engineering by Asian Deans’ Forum 2023 and Featured Women in Science by RSIP Vision. She has co-organized five MICCAI challenge events, including CARE 2024, LAScarQS 2022, MyoPS 2020, MS-CMRSeg 2019, and MM-WHS 2017. She serves as a reviewer for many journals and conferences, including MedIA, IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TMI, IEEE TBME, Neurocomputing, Information Fusion, Neural Networks, ISBI, IPMI, MIDL, and MICCAI, etc.

I am on looking for self-motivated PhD students who are interested in AI for heathcare, especially AI powered personalized virtual heart modelling (application link).

Call for paper for the special issue of Journal of Imaging on the topic “Progress and Challenges in Biomedical Image Analysis” (link).

Research/Education Experience

  • 01/2024-now   Lecturer, School of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
  • 01/2024-now   Visiting Researcher, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
  • 08/2021-12/2023   Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (Supervisor: Professor Vicente Grau)
  • 09/2016-06/2021   PhD, School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China (Supervisor:Professor Xiahai Zhuang)
  • 01/2020-03/2021   Visiting PhD, School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King’s College London, London, UK (Supervisor: Professor Julia A Schnabel)
  • 12/2017-12/2019   Visiting PhD, School of Data Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China (Supervisor: Professor Xiahai Zhuang)
  • 09/2012-06/2016   Bachelor, Dept. Medical Information Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China (Supervisor: Professor Gang Yang, Professor Site Mo)

Academic Services

Honors & Awards

  • 2024: 2nd Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Award (Natural Science Award)
  • 2024: Featured Woman in Science at RSIP Vision
  • 2023: The Rising Star of Women in Engineering - Asian Deans’ Forum 2023
  • 2023: IEEE TMI Distinguished Reviewer - Gold Level (2022-2023)
  • 2022: IEEE TMI Distinguished Reviewer - Bronze Level (2020-2022)
  • 2022: SJTU 2021 Outstanding Doctoral Graduate Development Scholarship
  • 2019: Best Poster Award in the 2019 International Conference on Data Science

Invited Talks

  • 03/06/2024   Invited talk “AI Powered Multi-Modal Cardiac Data Analysis: Towards to Cardiac Digital Twins for Personalized Healthcare”, in Isaac Newton Institute Workshop - Fickle Heart: The intersection of UQ, AI and Digital Twins. (Cambridge, UK)
  • 19/05/2024   Invited talk “Cardiac Digital Twins of Myocardial Infarction Using Deep Computational Models for Inverse Inference”, in Heart Rhythm 2024. (Boston, USA)
  • 2024-04-23   AI powered cardiac digital twins: towards to personalized cardiac arrythmia treatment” at IBME.ai Healthcare Workshop. (Oxford, UK)
  • 14/03/2024   Invited talk “AI Powered Virtual Heart Modelling for Personalized Cardiac Arrythmia Treatment” at Applied Mathematics Seminar – AI and Machine Learning at University of Southampton. (Southampton, UK)
  • 23/02/2024   Invited talk “AI Powered Personalized Virtual Heart Modelling” at Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Science Forum at University of Southampton. (Southampton, UK)
  • 29/01/2024   Invited talk “Artificial Intelligence in Cardiac Image Computing and Modeling” at Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore. (Online)
  • 18/07/2023   Invited talk “Towards Enabling Cardiac Digital Twins of Myocardial Infarction Using Deep Computational Models for Inverse Inference”, in Multi-scale & Multi-modality Digital Health Collaboration Workshop, supported by the Alan Turing Institute. (London, UK)
  • 10/06/2023   Invited talk “Artificial Intelligence in Cardiac Image Computing and Modeling”, which is hosted by Prof. Yi Dai at Nankai University. Talk info (Online)
  • 15/02/2023   Invited talk “Artificial Intelligence in Cardiac Image Computing and Modeling”, which is hosted by Prof. Evangelos B. Mazomenos at University College London. (London, UK)
  • 08/12/2022   Invited talk “Domain Generalization and Distributed Learning for Left Atrial Segmentation from Multi-Center LGE-MRI”, in Turing workshop on Human-AI Interaction in Bio-Medicine. (Oxford, UK)
  • 12/04/2022   Invited talk “Left Atrial LGE MRI Computing for Atrial Fibrillation” at MICS (in Chinese). PPT; Video (Online)

Teaching Experience

  • Undergraduate Courses
    • BIOM1005 - Biomedical Engineering Mathematics
      • Lecturer: modules ***; University of Southampton
    • BIOM2005 - Further Mathematics and Algorithms
      • Lecturer: modules ***; University of Southampton
    • Biomedical Image Analysis
      • Demonstrator: ~3 hours per week; Weeks 6-8 of Trinity Term 2023; University of Oxford
      • Demonstrator: ~3 hours per week; Weeks 6-8 of Trinity Term 2022; University of Oxford
    • Information Engineering Systems
      • Demonstrator: ~12 hours per week including providing undergraduate with guidance, feedback, and marking; Weeks 7-8 of Hilary Term 2023; University of Oxford
  • Postgraduate Courses
    • Medical Imaging, Microscopy and Analysis
      • Demonstrator: ~5 hours per week; Weeks 5-6 of Hilary Term 2023; University of Oxford
      • Demonstrator: ~5 hours per week; Weeks 5-6 of Hilary Term 2022; University of Oxford

Selected Works