

  • [30 May, 2024] Our SIG-Cardiac application has been approved by MICCAI. The Special Interest Group (SIG) in Cardiac Imaging, Computational Modelling and Clinical Sciences (SIG-Cardiac) intends to bring together cardiologists, radiologists, computer scientists, and engineers to promote interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • [12 May, 2024] Our CARE (Comprehensive Analysis & computing of REal-world medical images) Challenge 2024 website has been established and ready for registration.
  • [01 May, 2024] It is great honor to be selected for the 2nd Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Award (Natural Science Award). Thanks so much for my super nice supervisor!
  • [26 Feb, 2024] I was invited to be interviewed as a Woman in Science by Ralph at RSIP Vision. Such an honor to be featured alongside inspiring role models!
  • [14 Feb, 2024] I have been invited to be the Area Chair in MICCAI 2024! Look forward to contribute MICCAI Society.
  • [14 Feb, 2024] Our paper “Towards Enabling Cardiac Digital Twins of Myocardial Infarction Using Deep Computational Models for Inverse Inference” has been accepted by IEEE TMI! Thanks so much to the editor and the reviewers!
  • [15 Jan, 2024] I was invited as a Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Biomedical Image Analysis: Progress and Challenges” for Journal of Imaging (J. Imaging).
  • [01 Jan, 2024] I’m starting a new position as Lecturer at University of Southampton! I am sincerely grateful for the invaluable support and guidance I’ve received throughout this journey, particularly from my three super nice supervisors (and mentors): Prof. Xiahai Zhuang, Prof. Julia A. Schnabel, and Prof. Vicente Grau.


  • [06 Dec, 2023] Our paper “Segment anything model for medical images?” has been accepted by MedIA! Thanks so much to the editor and the reviewers! Congratulations to Yuhao Huang and Xin Yang.
  • [20 Nov, 2023] I’ve been nominated as the Rising Stars in Women Engineering at the Asian Deans’ Forum 2023 Rising Star Women in Engineering Workshop hosted at the University of Tokyo, Japan.
  • [18 July, 2023] I was invited by Dr. Caroline H Roney to give a five-minute pitch at Multi-scale & Multi-modality Digital Health Collaboration Workshops, which was funded by The Alan Turing Institute.
  • [14 June, 2023] Our paper “Aligning Multi-Sequence CMR Towards Fully Automated Myocardial Pathology Segmentation” has been accepted by IEEE TMI! Thanks so much to the editor and the reviewers! Congratulations to Wangbin Ding.
  • [14 June, 2023] Our paper “Multi-Target Landmark Detection with Incomplete Images via Reinforcement Learning and Shape Prior” has been accepted by MedIA! Thanks so much to the editor and the reviewers! Congratulations to Kaiwen Wan.
  • [12 June, 2023] Our survey paper “Multi-Modality Cardiac Image Computing: A Survey” has been accepted by MedIA! Thanks so much to the editor and the reviewers!
  • [10 June, 2023] I was invited by Prof Yi Dai to give a talk on the topic “Artificial Intelligence in Cardiac Image Computing and Modeling” in Nankai University.
  • [03 April, 2023] Our paper “Influence of Myocardial Infraction on QRS Properties: A Simulation Study” has been accepted by FIMH 2023. Thanks so much for my super collaborator Julia Camps, who is the co-first author of this work.
  • [30 March, 2023] Our benchmark paper “MyoPS: A Benchmark of Myocardial Pathology Segmentation Combining Three-Sequence Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images” has been accepted by MedIA. Thanks so much to the editor and the reviewers!


  • [16 Nov, 2022] Our paper “MyoPS-Net: Myocardial Pathology Segmentation with Flexible Combination of Multi-Sequence CMR Images” has been accepted by MedIA. Bravo! Congratulations to Junyi Qiu. Thanks so much to the editor and the reviewers!
  • [12 Oct, 2022] I was invited as a Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Medical Artificial Intelligence. Thanks so much for the invitation of Prof. Ming Xia.
  • [17 Aug, 2022] Our paper “Deep Computational Model for the Inference of Ventricular Activation Properties” has been accepted by STACOM 2022 and was selected as a oral presentation. Thanks so much to the reviewers!
  • [01 July, 2022] Our paper “Cardiac Segmentation on Late Gadolinium Enhancement MRI: A Benchmark Study from Multi-Sequence Cardiac MR Segmentation Challenge” has been accepted by MedIA! Thanks so much to the editor and the reviewers!
  • [17 June, 2022] I was invited present my two posters in SmartHeart Conference 2022. Thanks so much for the invitation of Prof. Julia A Schnabel.
  • [06 June, 2022] I was invited to join in Women in MICCAI (WiM) as a Board Member. Thanks so much for the invitation of Prof. Xiaoxiao Li (WiM President).
  • [02 June, 2022] Our paper “Decoupling Predictions in Distributed Learning for Multi-Center Left Atrial MRI Segmentation” has been accepted by MICCAI 2022. Bravo! Congratulations to Zheyao Gao. Thanks so much to the ACs and the reviewers!
  • [04 April, 2022] I was invited to give a talk on MICS China. Thanks for the inviatation of Prof. Liansheng Wang and the organization of Prof. Dan Long.
  • [01 Feb, 2022] Our paper “Cross-Modality Multi-Atlas Segmentation via Deep Registration and Label Fusion” has been accepted by JBHI! Bravo! Congratulation to Wangbin Ding.
  • [10 Jan, 2022] Our paper “Medical Image Analysis on Left Atrial LGE MRI for Atrial Fibrillation Studies: A Review” has been accepted by MedIA! Thanks so much to Prof. Xiahai Zhuang and Prof. Julia A. Schnabel, the editor and the reviewers!
  • [10 Jan, 2022] Our paper “AWSnet: An Auto-weighted Supervision Attention Network for Myocardial Scar and Edema Segmentation in Multi-sequence Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images” has been accepted by MedIA! Bravo! Congratulation to Kaini Wang and Prof. Xin Yang.
  • [08 Jan, 2022] I got the SJTU 2021 Outstanding Doctoral Graduate Development Scholarship! Thanks so much to Prof. Xiahai Zhuang, Prof. Julia A. Schnabel, Prof. Guoyan Zheng, and Prof. Vicent Grau, who all gave me much support on this application!


  • [08 Nov, 2021] Our paper “AtrialJSQnet: A New Framework for Joint Segmentation and Quantification of Left Atrium and Scars Incorporating Spatial and Shape Information” has been accepted by MedIA! Thanks so much to Prof. Xiahai Zhuang and Prof. Julia A. Schnabel, the editor and the reviewers!
  • [16 Aug, 2021] I have jointed the BioMedIA research group of University of Oxford as a Postdoc with Prof. Vicente Grau!
  • [06 Aug, 2021] I have reconstructed my personal website!
  • [12 June, 2021] Our paper “AtrialGeneral: Domain Generalization for Left Atrial Segmentation of Multi-Center LGE MRIs” has been accepted by MICCAI 2021.
  • [26 May, 2021] I have passed my PhD viva! My PhD thesis is “Left Atrial Scar Segmentation and Quantification from Late Gadolinium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Images”. Thanks to my super nice supervisor Prof. Xiahai Zhuang and others who helped me during my PhD.


  • [04 Oct, 2020] Our MyoPS challenge 2020 was successfully held! Thanks to all participants and organizers!
  • [23 June, 2020] Our paper “Cross-modality multi-atlas segmentation using deep neural networks” has been accepted by MICCAI 2020.
  • [23 June, 2020] Our paper “Joint Left Atrial Segmentation and Scar Quantification based on a DNN with Spatial Encoding and Shape Attention” has been accepted by MICCAI 2020.
  • [01 April, 2020] The training data of our MyoPS 2020 challenge has been released.


  • [15 Dec, 2019] Happy to be the runnerups of FBDC best poster awards togther with Xin Weng.
  • [26 Oct, 2019] Our paper “Atrial Scar Quantification via Multi-Scale CNN in the Graph-Cuts Framework” has been accepted by MedIA! Thanks so much to Prof. Xiahai Zhuang, Dr. Guang Yang, the editor and the reviewers!
  • [13 Oct, 2019] Our MS-CMRSeg challenge 2019 was successfully held! Thanks to all participants and organizers!
  • [22 July, 2019] Our paper “Evaluation of Algorithms for Multi-Modality Whole Heart Segmentation: An Open-Access Grand Challenge” has been accepted by MedIA! Thanks so much to Prof. Xiahai Zhuang, Dr. Guang Yang, the editor and the reviewers!